H622 G1 [转到字典二转到字典三]


0622'acaph {aw-saf'} 字根型;TWOT-140;动词 AV-together 51,gather 86,assemble 15,rereward 5,misc 51;200

--1b2)(Qal 1a2的被动)
--1b3)(Qal 1a4的被动)

0622'acaph {aw-saf'} a primitive root;TWOT-140;v AV-together 51,gather 86,assemble 15,rereward 5,misc 51;200

1)to gather,receive,remove,gather in
--1a1)to gather,collect
--1a2)to gather (an individual into company of others)
--1a3)to bring up the rear
--1a4)to gather and take away,remove,withdraw
--1b1)to assemble,be gathered
--1b2)(pass of Qal 1a2)
--1b2a)to be gathered to one's fathers
--1b2b)to be brought in or into (association with others)
--1b3)(pass of Qal 1a4)
--1b3a)to be taken away,removed,perish
--1c1)to gather (harvest)
--1c2)to take in,receive into
--1c3)rearguard,rearward (subst)
-1d)(Pual)to be gathered
-1e)(Hithpael)to gather oneself or themselves